class Redis::Cluster
- Redis::Cluster
- Reference
- Object
Use in place of a Redis::Client
when talking to Redis clusters. This class
will discover all nodes in a Redis cluster when given a URI for any of them,
route commands to appropriate shards based on the keys they operate on, and
route commands which do not change state to shard replicas to spread the
load across the cluster.
It's important that, when using commands which operate on multiple keys (for
example: MGET
, etc) that all specified keys reside
on the same shard in the cluster. Usually, this means designing your key
names with curly braces around parts of them to ensure they hash to the same
key slot. For example:
redis.del "{comment}:1", "{comment}:2"
value = redis.rpoplpush "{queue}:default", "{queue}:default:pending"
If you want to use a Redis module that provides custom commands, you can
register them as read-only with Redis::Cluster.register_read_only_commands
and they will automatically be routed to replicas. See
for example usage.
EXPERIMENTAL Cluster support is still under development. Some APIs may change while details are discovered and highly customized clusters (for example, servers handling individual hash slots or multiple hash-slot ranges) are not yet supported.
Included Modules
Defined in:
.new(uri : URI = URI.parse(ENV["REDIS_CLUSTER_URL"]? || "redis:///"))
Pass a
(defaulting to theREDIS_CLUSTER_URL
environment variable) to connect to the specified Redis cluster — the URI can point to any server in the cluster andRedis::Cluster
will discover the rest.
Class Method Summary
.register_read_only_command(command : String)
Tell the cluster driver that the specified Redis command can be routed to read-only replicas.
.register_read_only_commands(commands : Enumerable(String))
Tell the cluster driver that all the specified Redis commands can be routed to read-only replicas.
Instance Method Summary
Close all connections to this Redis cluster
on each shard in the cluster. -
#pipeline(key : String, &)
Run a pipeline for the specified key
#run(command full_command)
Execute the given command and return the result from the server.
#scan_each(*args, **kwargs, &) : Nil
on each shard, yielding any matching keys. -
#slot_for(key : String)
Return the Redis hash slot for the given key.
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands
decr(key : String)
decrby(key : String, amount : Int | String)
del(keys : Enumerable(String))del(*keys : String) del, eval(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = eval, eval_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = eval_ro, evalsha(sha : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = evalsha, evalsha_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = evalsha_ro, exists(*keys : String) exists, expire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span)
expire(key : String, ttl : Int) expire, expireat(key : String, at : Time) expireat, flushall flushall, flushdb flushdb, ft ft, get(key : String) get, graph(key : String) graph, incr(key : String) incr, incrby(key : String, amount : Int | String) incrby, info info, json json, keys(pattern = "*") keys, mget(keys : Enumerable(String)) mget, mset(data : Hash(String, String)) mset, pexpire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span)
pexpire(key : String, ttl : Int) pexpire, pexpireat(key : String, at : Time) pexpireat, pttl(key : String) pttl, publish(channel : String, message : String) publish, run(command) run, scan(cursor : String = "0", match : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, type : String | Nil = nil) scan, script_exists(shas : Enumerable(String))
script_exists(*shas : String) script_exists, script_flush(mode : ScriptFlushMode) script_flush, script_kill script_kill, script_load(script : String) script_load, set(key : String, value : String, ex : String | Int | Nil = nil, px : String | Int | Nil = nil, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false)
set(key, value, ex : Time, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false)
set(key, value, ex : Time::Span, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false) set, ts ts, ttl(key : String) ttl, type(key : String) type, unlink(keys : Enumerable(String))
unlink(*keys : String) unlink, wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Time::Span)
wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Int | String) wait
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Geo
geoadd(key : String, *entries : String, nx = nil, xx = nil, ch = nil)
geopos(key : String, *members : String)
geosearch(key : String, *, fromlonlat lonlat : Tuple(String, String), byradius radius : Redis::Geo::Radius, sort : Redis::Geo::Sort | Nil = nil, count : Int | String | Nil = nil, withcoord : Bool = false, withdist : Bool = false)
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Stream
xack(key : String, group : String, id : String)xack(key : String, group : String, ids : Enumerable(String)) xack, xadd(key : String, id : String, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, minid : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, fields : NamedTuple | Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, **fields : String) xadd, xautoclaim(key : String, group : String, consumer : String, min_idle_time : Time::Span, start : String, count : Int | String | Nil = nil) xautoclaim, xdel(key : String, ids : Enumerable(String))
xdel(key : String, *ids : String) xdel, xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String)
xgroup(command : XGroup, key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String | Nil = nil, mkstream = false, consumer_name : String | Nil = nil)
xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String, *args : String) xgroup, xgroup_create(key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String = "$", mkstream = false) xgroup_create, xgroup_create_consumer(key : String, groupname : String, consumer_name : String) xgroup_create_consumer, xlen(key : String) xlen, xpending(key : String, group : String, start : String, end finish : String, count : String | Int, idle : String | Time::Span | Nil = nil)
xpending(key : String, group : String) xpending, xrange(key : String, start min : String, end max : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) xrange, xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : ::Hash(String, String) = {} of String => String)
xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : NamedTuple = xreadgroup
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::SortedSet
zadd(key : String, score : String | Int64, value : String)zadd(key : String, values : Enumerable(String)) zadd, zcard(key : String) zcard, zcount(key : String, min : String, max : String) zcount, zrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrange, zrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64, limit : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil) zrangebyscore, zrem(key : String, value : String)
zrem(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
zrem(key : String, *values : String) zrem, zremrangebyrank(key : String, low : Int64, high : Int64) zremrangebyrank, zremrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64) zremrangebyscore, zrevrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrevrange, zscore(key : String, value : String) zscore
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Set
sadd(key : String, *values : String)
scard(key : String)
sdiff(first : String, second : String)
sinter(first : String, *others : String)
sismember(key : String, value : String)
smembers(key : String)
srem(key : String, members : Enumerable(String))srem(key : String, *values : String) srem
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::List
blpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Time::Span)blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Int | Float)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : String) blpop, brpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Int)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Number)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : String) brpop, brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Int | String) brpoplpush, llen(key : String) llen, lmove(from source : String, to destination : String, from_side source_side : Side, to_side destination_side : Side) lmove, lpop(key : String, count : String | Nil = nil) lpop, lpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
lpush(key, *values : String) lpush, lrange(key : String, start : String | Int, finish : String | Int) lrange, lrem(key : String, count : Int, value : String) lrem, ltrim(key : String, start : String | Int, stop : String | Int)
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(String, String))
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(Int32, Int32)) ltrim, rpop(key : String) rpop, rpoplpush(source : String, destination : String) rpoplpush, rpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
rpush(key, *values : String) rpush
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Hash
hdel(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))hdel(key : String, *fields : String) hdel, hget(key : String, field : String) hget, hgetall(key : String) hgetall, hincrby(key : String, field : String, increment : Int | String) hincrby, hmget(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hmget(key : String, *fields : String) hmget, hmset(key : String, data : ::Hash(String, String)) hmset, hscan(key : String, cursor : String, *, match pattern : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) hscan, hset(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hset(key : String, fields : ::Hash(String, String))
hset(key : String, *fields : String)
hset(key : String, **fields : String) hset, hsetnx(key : String, field : String, value : String) hsetnx
Constructor Detail
Pass a URI
(defaulting to the REDIS_CLUSTER_URL
environment variable)
to connect to the specified Redis cluster — the URI can point to any
server in the cluster and Redis::Cluster
will discover the rest.
Class Method Detail
Tell the cluster driver that the specified Redis command can be routed to read-only replicas.
Redis::Cluster.register_read_only_command "mymodule.get"
Tell the cluster driver that all the specified Redis commands can be routed to read-only replicas.
Redis::Cluster.register_read_only_commands %w[
Instance Method Detail
Run a pipeline for the specified key
cluster.pipeline "{widgets}" do |pipe|
widget_ids.each do |id|
pipe.get "{widgets}:#{id}"
WARNING All keys that this pipeline operates on MUST reside on the same
shard. It's best to pass a pre-hashed key (one containing {}
) to this
method. See the example above.
Execute the given command and return the result from the server. Commands
must be an Enumerable
and its size
method must be re-entrant.
run({"set", "foo", "bar"})
Execute Commands#scan_each
on each shard, yielding any matching keys.
Return the Redis hash slot for the given key. This is useful for seeing which shard your command will be routed to.