module Redis::Commands
All Redis commands are defined in this module. Any paradigm that needs to
use these commands simply overrides #run
, which takes a single command
object, which must be an Enumerable
TODO Add more Redis commands from
Included Modules
- Redis::Commands::Geo
- Redis::Commands::Hash
- Redis::Commands::List
- Redis::Commands::Set
- Redis::Commands::SortedSet
- Redis::Commands::Stream
Direct including types
- Redis::Client
- Redis::Cluster
- Redis::Connection
- Redis::Pipeline
- Redis::ReplicationClient
- Redis::Transaction
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#decr(key : String)
Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist
#decrby(key : String, amount : Int | String)
Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist
#del(keys : Enumerable(String))
Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.
#del(*keys : String)
Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.
- #eval(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) =
- #eval_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) =
- #evalsha(sha : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) =
- #evalsha_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) =
#exists(*keys : String)
Return the number of specified keys that exist
- #expire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span)
- #expire(key : String, ttl : Int)
- #expireat(key : String, at : Time)
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB
EXPERIMENTAL RediSearch support is still under development. Some APIs may change while details are discovered.
#get(key : String)
Get the value for the specified key
#graph(key : String)
Instantiate a
backed by thisRedis::Client
. -
#incr(key : String)
Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist
#incrby(key : String, amount : Int | String)
Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist
- #info
Return a
instance that wraps the currentRedis::Client
.EXPERIMENTAL Support for the RedisJSON module is still under development and subject to change.
#keys(pattern = "*")
Get the keys whose names follow the specified glob pattern.
- #mget(keys : Enumerable(String))
- #mset(data : Hash(String, String))
- #pexpire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span)
- #pexpire(key : String, ttl : Int)
- #pexpireat(key : String, at : Time)
- #pttl(key : String)
- #publish(channel : String, message : String)
Execute the given command and return the result from the server.
- #scan(cursor : String = "0", match : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, type : String | Nil = nil)
#script_exists(shas : Enumerable(String))
Return an array where each entry is
if the corresponding entry in the list ofshas
exists or0
if it does not. -
#script_exists(*shas : String)
Return an array where each entry is
if the corresponding entry in the list ofshas
exists or0
if it does not. -
#script_flush(mode : ScriptFlushMode)
Flush the Lua scripts cache, see the official docs.
Kill the currently executing
script, assuming no write operation was yet performed by the script. -
#script_load(script : String)
Preload a Lua script, returning the SHA of the script to pass to
. -
#set(key : String, value : String, ex : String | Int | Nil = nil, px : String | Int | Nil = nil, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false)
Set a given key to a given value, optionally specifying time-to-live (TTL).
- #set(key, value, ex : Time, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false)
- #set(key, value, ex : Time::Span, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false)
Return a
that wraps the currentRedis::Client
. - #ttl(key : String)
- #type(key : String)
- #unlink(keys : Enumerable(String))
- #unlink(*keys : String)
- #wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Time::Span)
- #wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Int | String)
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Geo
geoadd(key : String, *entries : String, nx = nil, xx = nil, ch = nil)
geopos(key : String, *members : String)
geosearch(key : String, *, fromlonlat lonlat : Tuple(String, String), byradius radius : Redis::Geo::Radius, sort : Redis::Geo::Sort | Nil = nil, count : Int | String | Nil = nil, withcoord : Bool = false, withdist : Bool = false)
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Stream
xack(key : String, group : String, id : String)xack(key : String, group : String, ids : Enumerable(String)) xack, xadd(key : String, id : String, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, minid : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, fields : NamedTuple | Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, **fields : String) xadd, xautoclaim(key : String, group : String, consumer : String, min_idle_time : Time::Span, start : String, count : Int | String | Nil = nil) xautoclaim, xdel(key : String, ids : Enumerable(String))
xdel(key : String, *ids : String) xdel, xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String)
xgroup(command : XGroup, key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String | Nil = nil, mkstream = false, consumer_name : String | Nil = nil)
xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String, *args : String) xgroup, xgroup_create(key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String = "$", mkstream = false) xgroup_create, xgroup_create_consumer(key : String, groupname : String, consumer_name : String) xgroup_create_consumer, xlen(key : String) xlen, xpending(key : String, group : String, start : String, end finish : String, count : String | Int, idle : String | Time::Span | Nil = nil)
xpending(key : String, group : String) xpending, xrange(key : String, start min : String, end max : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) xrange, xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : ::Hash(String, String) = {} of String => String)
xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : NamedTuple = xreadgroup
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::SortedSet
zadd(key : String, score : String | Int64, value : String)zadd(key : String, values : Enumerable(String)) zadd, zcard(key : String) zcard, zcount(key : String, min : String, max : String) zcount, zrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrange, zrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64, limit : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil) zrangebyscore, zrem(key : String, value : String)
zrem(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
zrem(key : String, *values : String) zrem, zremrangebyrank(key : String, low : Int64, high : Int64) zremrangebyrank, zremrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64) zremrangebyscore, zrevrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrevrange, zscore(key : String, value : String) zscore
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Set
sadd(key : String, *values : String)
scard(key : String)
sdiff(first : String, second : String)
sinter(first : String, *others : String)
sismember(key : String, value : String)
smembers(key : String)
srem(key : String, members : Enumerable(String))srem(key : String, *values : String) srem
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::List
blpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Time::Span)blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Int | Float)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : String) blpop, brpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Int)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Number)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : String) brpop, brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Int | String) brpoplpush, llen(key : String) llen, lmove(from source : String, to destination : String, from_side source_side : Side, to_side destination_side : Side) lmove, lpop(key : String, count : String | Nil = nil) lpop, lpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
lpush(key, *values : String) lpush, lrange(key : String, start : String | Int, finish : String | Int) lrange, lrem(key : String, count : Int, value : String) lrem, ltrim(key : String, start : String | Int, stop : String | Int)
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(String, String))
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(Int32, Int32)) ltrim, rpop(key : String) rpop, rpoplpush(source : String, destination : String) rpoplpush, rpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
rpush(key, *values : String) rpush
Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Hash
hdel(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))hdel(key : String, *fields : String) hdel, hget(key : String, field : String) hget, hgetall(key : String) hgetall, hincrby(key : String, field : String, increment : Int | String) hincrby, hmget(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hmget(key : String, *fields : String) hmget, hmset(key : String, data : ::Hash(String, String)) hmset, hscan(key : String, cursor : String, *, match pattern : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) hscan, hset(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hset(key : String, fields : ::Hash(String, String))
hset(key : String, *fields : String)
hset(key : String, **fields : String) hset, hsetnx(key : String, field : String, value : String) hsetnx
Instance Method Detail
Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist
redis.del "counter"
redis.decr "counter" # => -1
Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist
redis.del "counter"
redis.decrby "counter", 2 # => -2
Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.
redis.set "foo", "12"
redis.del ["foo", "bar"] # => 1
redis.del ["foo", "bar"] # => 0
Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.
redis.set "foo", "12"
redis.del "foo", "bar" # => 1
redis.del "foo", "bar" # => 0
Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha
or directly with #eval
NOTE Use #eval
only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha
for larger
or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as
send fewer bytes along the wire.
NOTE Use #eval_ro
and #evalsha_ro
in a clustered environment to
evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.
script = <<-LUA
return "this script was " + ARGV[1]
sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])
Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha
or directly with #eval
NOTE Use #eval
only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha
for larger
or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as
send fewer bytes along the wire.
NOTE Use #eval_ro
and #evalsha_ro
in a clustered environment to
evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.
script = <<-LUA
return "this script was " + ARGV[1]
sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])
Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha
or directly with #eval
NOTE Use #eval
only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha
for larger
or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as
send fewer bytes along the wire.
NOTE Use #eval_ro
and #evalsha_ro
in a clustered environment to
evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.
script = <<-LUA
return "this script was " + ARGV[1]
sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])
Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha
or directly with #eval
NOTE Use #eval
only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha
for larger
or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as
send fewer bytes along the wire.
NOTE Use #eval_ro
and #evalsha_ro
in a clustered environment to
evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.
script = <<-LUA
return "this script was " + ARGV[1]
sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])
Return the number of specified keys that exist
redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 0
redis.set "foo", "exists now"
redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 1
redis.set "bar", "also exists now"
redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 2
Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.
EXPERIMENTAL RediSearch support is still under development. Some APIs may change while details are discovered.
Get the value for the specified key
redis.set "foo", "bar"
redis.get("foo") # => "bar"
Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist
redis.del "counter"
redis.incr "counter" # => 1
Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist
redis.del "counter"
redis.incrby "counter", 2 # => 2
Return a Redis::JSON
instance that wraps the current Redis::Client
EXPERIMENTAL Support for the RedisJSON module is still under development and subject to change.
Get the keys whose names follow the specified glob pattern. If a pattern is not specified, it will return all keys by default. Be careful when using this command on Redis servers with a lot of traffic and millions of keys.
redis.keys # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
redis.keys("f*") # => ["foo"]
redis.keys("b*") # => ["bar", "baz"]
Execute the given command and return the result from the server. Commands
must be an Enumerable
and its size
method must be re-entrant.
run({"set", "foo", "bar"})
Return an array where each entry is 1
if the corresponding entry in the
list of shas
exists or 0
if it does not.
Return an array where each entry is 1
if the corresponding entry in the
list of shas
exists or 0
if it does not.
Flush the Lua scripts cache, see the official docs.
redis.script_flush :async # Flush scripts asynchronously
redis.script_flush :sync # Flush scripts immediately
Kill the currently executing #eval
script, assuming no write operation
was yet performed by the script.
Preload a Lua script, returning the SHA of the script to pass to #evalsha
sha = redis.script_load(<<-LUA)
return "Hello " + ARGV[1]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["world"]) # => "Hello world"
Set a given key to a given value, optionally specifying time-to-live (TTL).
: TTL in seconds (mnemonic: "ex" = "expiration")px
: TTL in millisecondsnx
: Only set this key if it does not exist (mnemonic: "nx" = it does "not exist")xx
: only set this key if it does exist (mnemonic: "xx" = it "exists exists" — look, I don't make the rules)keepttl
: If there is a TTL already set on the key, retain that TTL instead of overwriting it
redis.set "foo", "bar", ex: 1
redis.get("foo") # => "bar"
sleep 1.second
redis.get("foo") # => nil