module Redis::Commands


All Redis commands are defined in this module. Any paradigm that needs to use these commands simply overrides #run, which takes a single command object, which must be an Enumerable.

TODO Add more Redis commands from

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Geo

geoadd(key : String, *entries : String, nx = nil, xx = nil, ch = nil) geoadd, geopos(key : String, *members : String) geopos, geosearch(key : String, *, fromlonlat lonlat : Tuple(String, String), byradius radius : Redis::Geo::Radius, sort : Redis::Geo::Sort | Nil = nil, count : Int | String | Nil = nil, withcoord : Bool = false, withdist : Bool = false) geosearch

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Stream

xack(key : String, group : String, id : String)
xack(key : String, group : String, ids : Enumerable(String))
, xadd(key : String, id : String, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, fields : NamedTuple | ::Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, minid : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, fields : NamedTuple | Hash(String, String))
xadd(key : String, id : String, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, maxlen, **fields : String)
xadd(key : String, id : String, *, minid, **fields : String)
, xautoclaim(key : String, group : String, consumer : String, min_idle_time : Time::Span, start : String, count : Int | String | Nil = nil) xautoclaim, xdel(key : String, ids : Enumerable(String))
xdel(key : String, *ids : String)
, xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String)
xgroup(command : XGroup, key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String | Nil = nil, mkstream = false, consumer_name : String | Nil = nil)
xgroup(command : String, key : String, groupname : String, *args : String)
, xgroup_create(key : String, groupname : String, *, id : String = "$", mkstream = false) xgroup_create, xgroup_create_consumer(key : String, groupname : String, consumer_name : String) xgroup_create_consumer, xlen(key : String) xlen, xpending(key : String, group : String, start : String, end finish : String, count : String | Int, idle : String | Time::Span | Nil = nil)
xpending(key : String, group : String)
, xrange(key : String, start min : String, end max : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) xrange, xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : ::Hash(String, String) = {} of String => String)
xreadgroup(group : String, consumer : String, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, block : Time::Span | String | Int | Nil = nil, no_ack = false, streams : NamedTuple =

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::SortedSet

zadd(key : String, score : String | Int64, value : String)
zadd(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
, zcard(key : String) zcard, zcount(key : String, min : String, max : String) zcount, zrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrange, zrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64, limit : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil) zrangebyscore, zrem(key : String, value : String)
zrem(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
zrem(key : String, *values : String)
, zremrangebyrank(key : String, low : Int64, high : Int64) zremrangebyrank, zremrangebyscore(key : String, low : String | Int64, high : String | Int64) zremrangebyscore, zrevrange(key : String, starting : String | Int64, ending : String | Int64, with_scores : Bool = false) zrevrange, zscore(key : String, value : String) zscore

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Set

sadd(key : String, *values : String) sadd, scard(key : String) scard, sdiff(first : String, second : String) sdiff, sinter(first : String, *others : String) sinter, sismember(key : String, value : String) sismember, smembers(key : String) smembers, srem(key : String, members : Enumerable(String))
srem(key : String, *values : String)

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::List

blpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Time::Span)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : Int | Float)
blpop(*keys : String, timeout : String)
, brpop(keys : Enumerable(String), timeout : Int)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : Number)
brpop(*keys : String, timeout : String)
, brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Time::Span)
brpoplpush(source : String, destination : String, timeout : Int | String)
, llen(key : String) llen, lmove(from source : String, to destination : String, from_side source_side : Side, to_side destination_side : Side) lmove, lpop(key : String, count : String | Nil = nil) lpop, lpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
lpush(key, *values : String)
, lrange(key : String, start : String | Int, finish : String | Int) lrange, lrem(key : String, count : Int, value : String) lrem, ltrim(key : String, start : String | Int, stop : String | Int)
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(String, String))
ltrim(key : String, range : Range(Int32, Int32))
, rpop(key : String) rpop, rpoplpush(source : String, destination : String) rpoplpush, rpush(key : String, values : Enumerable(String))
rpush(key, *values : String)

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands::Hash

hdel(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hdel(key : String, *fields : String)
, hget(key : String, field : String) hget, hgetall(key : String) hgetall, hincrby(key : String, field : String, increment : Int | String) hincrby, hmget(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hmget(key : String, *fields : String)
, hmset(key : String, data : ::Hash(String, String)) hmset, hscan(key : String, cursor : String, *, match pattern : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil) hscan, hset(key : String, fields : Enumerable(String))
hset(key : String, fields : ::Hash(String, String))
hset(key : String, *fields : String)
hset(key : String, **fields : String)
, hsetnx(key : String, field : String, value : String) hsetnx

Instance Method Detail

def decr(key : String) #

Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist

redis.del "counter"
redis.decr "counter" # => -1

[View source]
def decrby(key : String, amount : Int | String) #

Atomically decrement and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist

redis.del "counter"
redis.decrby "counter", 2 # => -2

[View source]
def del(keys : Enumerable(String)) #

Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.

redis.set "foo", "12"
redis.del ["foo", "bar"] # => 1
redis.del ["foo", "bar"] # => 0

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def del(*keys : String) #

Delete all specified keys and return the number of keys deleted.

redis.set "foo", "12"
redis.del "foo", "bar" # => 1
redis.del "foo", "bar" # => 0

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def eval(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = #

Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha or directly with #eval.

NOTE Use #eval only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha for larger or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as send fewer bytes along the wire.

NOTE Use #eval_ro and #evalsha_ro in a clustered environment to evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.

script = <<-LUA
  return "this script was " + ARGV[1]

sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])

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def eval_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = #

Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha or directly with #eval.

NOTE Use #eval only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha for larger or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as send fewer bytes along the wire.

NOTE Use #eval_ro and #evalsha_ro in a clustered environment to evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.

script = <<-LUA
  return "this script was " + ARGV[1]

sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])

[View source]
def evalsha(sha : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = #

Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha or directly with #eval.

NOTE Use #eval only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha for larger or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as send fewer bytes along the wire.

NOTE Use #eval_ro and #evalsha_ro in a clustered environment to evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.

script = <<-LUA
  return "this script was " + ARGV[1]

sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])

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def evalsha_ro(script : String, keys : Enumerable(String) =, args : Enumerable(String) = #

Evaluate the given Lua script, either referenced by SHA with #evalsha or directly with #eval.

NOTE Use #eval only for very trivial scripts and #evalsha for larger or frequently executed scripts to amortize parse/compile time as well as send fewer bytes along the wire.

NOTE Use #eval_ro and #evalsha_ro in a clustered environment to evaluate the scripts on read-only replicas.

script = <<-LUA
  return "this script was " + ARGV[1]

sha = redis.script_load(script)
redis.eval(script, args: ["evaluated on the fly"]
redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["precompiled"])

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def exists(*keys : String) #

Return the number of specified keys that exist

redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 0
redis.set "foo", "exists now"
redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 1
redis.set "bar", "also exists now"
redis.exists("foo", "bar") # => 2

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def expire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span) #

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def expire(key : String, ttl : Int) #

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def expireat(key : String, at : Time) #

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def flushall #

Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one.

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def flushdb #

Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB

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def ft #

EXPERIMENTAL RediSearch support is still under development. Some APIs may change while details are discovered.

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def get(key : String) #

Get the value for the specified key

redis.set "foo", "bar"
redis.get("foo") # => "bar"

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def graph(key : String) #

Instantiate a Redis::Graph::Client backed by this Redis::Client.

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def incr(key : String) #

Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key, creating it if it does not exist

redis.del "counter"
redis.incr "counter" # => 1

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def incrby(key : String, amount : Int | String) #

Atomically increment and return the integer value for the specified key by the specified amount, creating it if it does not exist

redis.del "counter"
redis.incrby "counter", 2 # => 2

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def info #

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def json #

Return a Redis::JSON instance that wraps the current Redis::Client or Redis::Cluster.

EXPERIMENTAL Support for the RedisJSON module is still under development and subject to change.

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def keys(pattern = "*") #

Get the keys whose names follow the specified glob pattern. If a pattern is not specified, it will return all keys by default. Be careful when using this command on Redis servers with a lot of traffic and millions of keys.

redis.keys       # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
redis.keys("f*") # => ["foo"]
redis.keys("b*") # => ["bar", "baz"]

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def mget(keys : Enumerable(String)) #

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def mset(data : Hash(String, String)) #

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def pexpire(key : String, ttl : Time::Span) #

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def pexpire(key : String, ttl : Int) #

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def pexpireat(key : String, at : Time) #

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def pttl(key : String) #

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def publish(channel : String, message : String) #

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abstract def run(command) #

Execute the given command and return the result from the server. Commands must be an Enumerable and its size method must be re-entrant.

run({"set", "foo", "bar"})

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def scan(cursor : String = "0", match : String | Nil = nil, count : String | Int | Nil = nil, type : String | Nil = nil) #

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def script_exists(shas : Enumerable(String)) #

Return an array where each entry is 1 if the corresponding entry in the list of shas exists or 0 if it does not.

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def script_exists(*shas : String) #

Return an array where each entry is 1 if the corresponding entry in the list of shas exists or 0 if it does not.

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def script_flush(mode : ScriptFlushMode) #

Flush the Lua scripts cache, see the official docs.

redis.script_flush :async # Flush scripts asynchronously
redis.script_flush :sync  # Flush scripts immediately

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def script_kill #

Kill the currently executing #eval script, assuming no write operation was yet performed by the script.

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def script_load(script : String) #

Preload a Lua script, returning the SHA of the script to pass to #evalsha.

sha = redis.script_load(<<-LUA)
  return "Hello " + ARGV[1]

redis.evalsha(sha, args: ["world"]) # => "Hello world"

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def set(key : String, value : String, ex : String | Int | Nil = nil, px : String | Int | Nil = nil, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false) #

Set a given key to a given value, optionally specifying time-to-live (TTL).

  • ex: TTL in seconds (mnemonic: "ex" = "expiration")
  • px: TTL in milliseconds
  • nx: Only set this key if it does not exist (mnemonic: "nx" = it does "not exist")
  • xx: only set this key if it does exist (mnemonic: "xx" = it "exists exists" — look, I don't make the rules)
  • keepttl: If there is a TTL already set on the key, retain that TTL instead of overwriting it
redis.set "foo", "bar", ex: 1
redis.get("foo") # => "bar"
sleep 1.second
redis.get("foo") # => nil

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def set(key, value, ex : Time, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false) #

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def set(key, value, ex : Time::Span, nx = false, xx = false, keepttl = false) #

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def ts #

Return a Redis::TimeSeries that wraps the current Redis::Client or Redis::Cluster.

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def ttl(key : String) #

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def type(key : String) #

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def unlink(keys : Enumerable(String)) #

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def unlink(*keys : String) #

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def wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Time::Span) #

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def wait(numreplicas replica_count : Int | String, timeout : Int | String) #

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